Deerisle server Rules

1. Do not build less than 700m from trader this includes tents
2. Do not build less 500 from small military zones and do not build within 1000 meters of Paris island area 42 or east harbour
3. Illegal tents and bases will be deleted without warning
4. Dont leave vehicles 700m from trader or 500m from military or 1000meters from Paris island or area 42 they will be deleted
5.Pick up your trash at traders please keep them clean burn or sell any one found dropping litter will be fined 10x the item value
6. Do not build on roads or near them
7. No hacking cheating or intentional exploitation of bugs this will lead to ban
8. Do not build Inside any military police fire station or hospitals these will be deleted without warning
9. be nice to other players no pvp activity's are allowed this is a pve server
10. Park cars in the garage this helps server performance
11. try to use existing structures for your base the server has real-estate
12. Huge builds may lag the server and cause an early wipe of the server
13. No unrealistic buildings. EG No sky bridges Sky high bases one way gates or using tents as walls.
14. Groups can have 2 base per player
15. No base raiding
16. Server restarts every 4 hours and will kick 3 minuets before a restart
17. Please use English in global chat and keep it clean no swearing racial or other abusive language
18. You must change your name from survivor you do this at the launcher under parameters
19. Try our other dayz servers
20. Type avoid in the community tab to find our other servers
21. if you would like to support this server please donate via the PayPal link there is a reward if you want it on discord
22. you can suggest mods to be considered for adding on our discord this does not mean they will be added
23. We recommend you only get helis out of garages at the airfield
24. Please report bugs via discord under dayz bugs
25. if you open a ticket on discord state your playing on dayz and which server your are on or tickets will be ignored

Rostow & Banov Server Rules

1. Don't build 500m from military zones
2. Don't leave vehicles at Military zones withing 500m when logging off they will be deleted
3. Burn your trash keep the server running with as little lag as possible
4. Do not build on roads or near them
5. No hacking cheating or intentional exploitation of bugs this will lead to a ban
6. Do not build Inside any military police hospitals fire stations or any loot building these will be deleted without warning
7. spawn vehicles. you may only claim 1 vehicle with a camo net at a time. you MUST NOT not claim and cover another vehicles until you have finished fixing the one
8. Park cars in the garage this helps server performance
9. try to use existing structures for your base
10. Huge builds may lag the server and cause an early wipe of the server
11. No unrealistic buildings. EG No sky bridges Sky high bases one way gates or using tents as walls.
12. Groups can have 1 base per player
14. Server restarts every 4 hours
15. Please use English in global chat
16. You must change your name from survivor or you will be kicked after warnings from admin
17. If you like our dayz server
18. Try our other avoid the dead servers
19. if you would like to support this server please donate via the PayPal link
20. you can suggest mods to be considered for adding on our discord this does not mean they will be added
21. There will be events held on the server message woody via our discord for details
22. Please report bugs via discord under dayz Rostow or Banov bugs or raise a ticket
23. if you open a ticket on discord state your playing on dayz and which map
24. If you find a car in the world you may cover it to stop it despawning
25. Best to move said car off the spawn point if possible
26. Only allowed to work on one car at a time when covering
27. Don't contact admin at stupid oclock we work 40 hour weeks repeating offenders will get kicked from discord
-virtual barrels are available free
-virtual barrels help server performance they store your loot off the server

Pripyat rules

1.      Server owner - Johnnyfingers69 

1A.    Admins - Andy, Cough drop, Feerrsum, WoodysWatch

2.      Don't build 1000m from military zones or Traders
3.      Burn your trash keep the server running with as little lag as possible
4,      Do not build on roads or near them
5.      No hacking, cheating or intentional exploitation of bugs this will lead to a ban
6.      Do not build Inside any military, police, hospitals or fire stations these will be deleted without warning
7.      Park cars in the garage this helps server performance
8.      Try to use existing structures for your base
9.      Huge builds may lag the server and cause an early wipe of the server
10.   No unrealistic buildings. EG No sky bridges, Sky high bases
12.   Server restarts every 4 hours
13.   Please use English in global chat
14.   Please keep trader tidy with the bins and Garage provided
15.   You must change your name from survivor or you will be kicked after warnings from admin
16.   If you would like to support this server please donate via the PayPal link
17.   you can suggest mods to be considered for adding on our discord this does not mean they will be     added
18.   When using a ticket please put the server you are on and the problem so we can arrange support
19.   Don't contact admin at stupid o'clock we work 40 hour weeks please raise a Ticket in Support
20.  Tickets will be dealt with in accordance to priority we will contact you with details
21.  There will be Events held they will be announced on discord,
22.  Please lock all CARS AND TRUCKS
23.  Do Not take from unlocked vehicles
24.  Vehicles given for Pay Pal donations will be repaired by Admin
25.  Bought or found vehicles will need to be repaired regularly
26.  Car locks do spawn on the map so do standard vehicles
27,  We are using a crafting Mod as well called More Crafting

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